Human Design Coaching

Arbeite mit mir, wenn


Du Lust hast

dich leichter, stärker und sicherer zu fühlen.


Du keine Lust mehr hast auf

immer das Gleiche, ständig müde zu sein, immer die gleichen Ausreden.


Wenn du bereit bist

Selbstverantwortung zu übernehmen, in dich selbst zu investieren and echte Resulte zu haben.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is your energenetic fingerprint. It’s the tool for those seeking clarity and wanting to discover themselves and for those who have the ecourage and desire to live their live authentically.

To find out your Human Design, you need your birthday, time and place of your birth. With the help of a chart generator you will receive your body chart. 



Alles was du brauchst findest du in dir.

You do know who you are and you do know what you want. What you need is somebody to give you that initial push and support, somebody who is on your side, who sees you and believes in you. And then you put in the work!

I work with Human Design – your first reading is included in BLOOM, the 8 week program, and I schedule it at the beginning of our journey. I use NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Byron Katie’s 4 Questions. I use Anchors and Intention Boostering. I emphasize on using Resouces as well as Gratefulness. Yes, I also suggest a list of things you are thankful for. There is no way to get around that.

I am constantly working on myself, to be a better person to myself and those around me and I learn new tools, meditations, approaches, insights which I then happily use in my coachings. Have you heard of Joe Dispenza?

I wish I had known all these sweet „tricks“ to help myself way back when. Now I know how to get straight(ish) to where you want to be – no short-cuts though! You gotta do the work!

And if this all means nothing to you at this point, dont worry, trust me and let me show you. Knowledge means nothing if you don’t use it, if you don’t apply it to your life.

I am not a Therapist, I am your Coach. I am your Cheerleader.

The Tools

Human Design


The Work




The Certificates

Human Design Coach

NLP Master (DVNLP)

Juice Therapy Practitioner (NJT)

Certified Coach (QRC)

Systemic Coach

Trainer, Mediator


The Investment

My coaching sessions are included in the program. For follow up or single sessions, as well as Human Design readings the investment is 222 Euro per session                 (60-90Minutes) 

Schedule your free consultation by clicking the button on the top right of the page.